The Hidden Heritage of High Lodge

Project Activities

During the course of the Hidden Heritage of High Lodge project, a great number of activities took place, including 46 day schools.

Examples activities included, but are not limited to:

  • Visit to Suffolk County Council Archaeology department, Bury St Edmunds
  • How to access and use historic documents - Norfolk Record Office
  • Photographing the Forest
  • Exploring flint-facing on the warren banks
  • How to interpret aerial photographs and LIDAR Images
  • How to care for earthwork sites
  • Exploring Earthworks at High Lodge
  • Discovering the Landscape of Warrening
  • Archaeological Investigation to locate the site of the warren lodge of Downham Warren
  • Identifying and processing finds and writing an archaeological report
  • The Origins of the Flint Mines at High Lodge
  • Exploring Trackways and Historic Routes around High Lodge
  • Discovering the High Lodge Railway

Some of these activities are summarised in the following pages pages.