The commanders of 126 Company, Canadian Forestry Corps were required to compile monthly summary reports. Some of these have survived and are now kept by the Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa (LAC reference RG 9 III-D-3, vols. 5018 ).
Those section that pertain to activities around High Lodge have been abstracted and are presented below.
The company is now organised in Headquarters Camp at Ampthill No Detachment at Sandy under Lt K M Wilkinson No 2 Detachment under Capt P H Jory at Steppingly (Flitwick and No 3 Detachment at Downham Hall, Brandon.
During the early days of this month the Officer Commanding (Major ABR Kenny) has been giving special attention to the plans for this operation to which the company will move at the completion of the work at Ampthill. Major Kenny made a cruise of the timber on this estate in April and rendered to District Headquarters a very complete and detailed report on the operation, under date 25th April. All necessary arrangements were made for an advance party. This left Ampthill on June 14th and consisted of Lieut. A.G.Head conducting 2 N.C.O's and seven men. This advance party was conveyed by A.S.C.lorry by road, leaving at 9am and arriving at Downham Hall at 3 pm. This party were engaged first in assisting the men of the Labor Company in alterations to Downham Hall being carried out by the D.O.R.E. Thetford. A week later on the arrival of the Mill parts at Brandon station, this party, strengthened bow by two teams, were engaged in transporting the mill parts from Brandon station (21 miles) CQMS Ford was sent from Ampthill to superintend the checking of the parts. The work was hampered towards the close of the month by an outbreak of influenza among the men at this small detachment. Major Kenny has been personally engaged in completing the arrangements for the Mill site and the construction of a siding from this site to the GER Main line (Brandon to Thetford) At the time of writing all is in line for the construction of the mill, and bush operations can be commenced as soon as the necessary men can be re-leased from the Ampthill operations.
At Brandon on the proposed Mill site, in clearing 424 logs were made, measuring 3232 Cu.feet or 24256 fbm.
No. 3. BRANDON. During the major part of this month the O.C. Major A.M.Kenny, has been personally superintending the work of this detachment getting ready for the erection of the Mill. Lieut. A.C.Buchan left on July 27th to take charge of the detachment. Eighteen other ranks from 124th Coy.C.F.C., have been on Command at this detachment during the month engaged in clearing the right of way for the narrow guage track and clearing the proposed Mill site.
The telephone was installed at Downham Hall on 15th July. 28 Poles being cut and post holes dug etc to run the line out to the main road. Arrangements have been made as to suitable water supply and strengthening of the bridge over the River Ouse to carry the railway locomotive. Under the D.O.R.E. Thetford, good work has been done in adapting Downham Hall for the occupation by the Company. A Men's Mess room has been made from the stables in the Court yard and suitable kitchen and bath arrangements installed. Material for the Mill construction has been handled by our Transport from Brandon station to the scene of the operation. One lorry is attached to the detachment fro supply purposes.
Major A.B.Kenny having been granted special leave of absence to Canada handed over the Command of the Company to Capt.P.H.Jory on July 26th. Major Kenny has been principally engaged at the Brandon detachment this month.
The mill at Brandon is in course of erection.
Six cases were sent from this detachment to the Military Hospital Thetford. They were for treatment as follows;-Itch 2; Scabies 1; Gastric catarrh 1; lung trouble 1; poisoned finger 1. All these cases have been treated and discharged except the patient with lung trouble, admitted 19-8-18
No 2 Detachment at Downham Hall Brandon under Lieut. A.C.Buchan. The distribution of Other Ranks as at August 31st was, Headquarters, (Ampthill) 75, Sandy, 54, Downham Hall 71.
The erection of the mill was commenced this month under the direction of Capt. J. Morrison from the Technical Branch, Corps Hqrs., assisted by Lieut. A.C.Buchan. During July the various posts of the mill were received from lol Coy. Virginia Water and transported from Brandon station to the mill site at Downham Hall. The site finally decided upon was one adjacent to the GER. line on the north side of the river. A siding is to be built from the railway line to the Mill yard, while our own narrow guage railway will bring the logs to the mill from the cutting areas. Good progress has been made In the erection of the Mill. The timbers being cut and sent from Sandy for this purpose. There has been no delay caused through lack of material for construction Sand and brick wore obtained locally from Lord Iveagh's estate, It is hoped that the Company will be able to move its Headquarters to Downham Hall early in September.
The problems connected with the operation this month, have been many and complex, taxing the ingenuity of the Officer Commanding (Capt.F.H.Jory.) and his officers to the utmost. Many difficulties of administration arise because of the handling of two detachments at Brandon (Seventy miles distant with poor train connections) and Sandy (Fourteen miles distant). Data for returns have to be collected from these detachments to be compiled at headquarters. Delay in getting the necessary information concerned, or in having to refer back matter to the Detachment for correction, has on occasion, held up returns due at Headquarters. Moreover, instructions received by Headquarters have in many cases to be duplicated at Ampthill and forwarded on to Officers in charge at Sandy and Brandon. This adds considerably to the work of the Orderly Room Sergeant and Company Stenographer. The same difficulties occur in the Quartermaster's Stores, and it is no exaggeration to state that the work in the two departments, Orderly Room and QMS stores is increased more than two fold by the detached nature of this Company's operations, At Ampthill there is a considerable amount of Pitwood yet to make and clearing to be done in the Flitwick plantations. Sandy is a complete operation of log-making and milling in itself, although comparatively small, while at Downham Hall the work of Mill construction, logging and railroad building call for special attention, This work is being carried on with little more than he establishment of a Forestry Company. Log makers are urgently wanted at Downham Hall to help in the task of making logs for the mill rapidly nearing completion, but these are required to clear up the Heydon Hill area, which it has been decided, must be dealt with, although the Millbrook Mill has been dis-mantled and the steel in that neighborhood taken up. The needs of the company at the moment to meet some of these difficulties, are, more unskilled labor for clearing up logged-off areas, more log-makers, and an additional stenographer for Orderly Room work. These, while they would not clear away all the difficulties of the operations as they exist, would materially help, and tend to greater efficiency in the Company's working.
The Downham Hall Mill is in course of erection and is expected to start cutting about October 21st.
At the Downham Hall operation the logs on hand on September 1st Sit numbered 1071 pieces, measuring 9,103 cubic feet. 3,452 logs, soiling 29,982 cu.feet were cut during the month, and the total number of logs skidded on Sept. 30th were 1559 pieces, measuring 19,383 cu. feet.
The health of the men of the Company during September was generally good. Dr. Ambler visited the Ampthill Camp daily and took the Sick Parade every morning. At Sandy men going . N.C. sick were paraded by the Orderly to the V.A.C. hospital for treatment. The C.A.M.C. Sergeant was stationed at Downham Hall and dealt with minor cases. Other Ranks needing medical attention were taken to the Military Hospital, Thetford. Three cases, (itch, poisoned finger and gastritis) were sent to the Military Hospital, Thetford, One case (N.D.) to Sandy V.A.D.Hospital, and one case (Cellulitis, arm) to Military Hospital, Bedford. There were no serious accidents, no cases of infectious or venereal disease.
The Headquarters of the Company were moved from Ampthill to Brandon on September 25th. Lieut. A.G.Read was in charge of the party which consisted of the Orderly Room Staff and Officers' Mess Cook and batmen. They were conveyed by road in two motor lorries with the company records, office furniture, Officers' Mess equipment, etc. On Sept. 26th O.S.M. Miller and eighteen Other Ranks proceeded by rail from Ampthill to Brandon, and Capt. Jory made the journey the same day by road from Ampthill to Downham Hall. Lieut. Girdlestone and twenty six Other Ranks were left to constitute the Ampthill detachment. Sgt. Darr was in charge of the shipping at that place. CQMS.Ford and Pte. Thomas remained to superintend the removal of the Company stores. Sgt. Goodwin and three Other Ranks were employed on repairing fences at Heydon Hill, On. Sept. 27th the distribution of the company as as follows:- Headquarters,(Downham Hall) 3 Officers, 112 Other Ranks, Sandy Detachment 1 officer 47 Other Ranks; Ampthill Detachment, 1 officer and twenty five other Ranks.
The Y.M.C.A. Hut at Ampthill which had served the Company so well was closed early in the month and Sgt. Jones moved his equipment to Brandon. There, for the present, a large marquee has been erected to serve the need of a recreation room for the men. An Armstrong Hut has been erected as a dry Canteen for the Y Sergeant. It was well patronised by the Other Ranks stationed at Downham Hall. Reading and writing material are avail-able and well patronized. No concerts have been held this month.
Major A.B..Kenny returned from leave to Canada on 28th September and resumed command of the Company. Capt. P. H. dory (Second in Command) was detailed to the Ampthill Detachment. Lieut. A.G.Head continues in the post of Adjutant and Quartermaster. Lieut. J.M.Wilkinson is In charge of the Sandy Detachment. Lieut. A.C.Buchan is the Mill officer and is engaged in finishing the erection of the Downham Hall Mill. Lieut. Girdlestone was recalled from Ampthill to Headquarters to undertake the duties of Transport Officer. During the month No. 2388509 A/Sgt. W.M.H. Dunn has been appointed to the rank of Lieutenant in the Corps.
The average strength of the Company for the month has been five officers and one hundred and sixty six Other Ranks. Attached labor, (Canadians and Imperials) fourteen Other Ranks. The Horse strength for the month has been fifty.
The Downham Hall Mill is now completed, and with the log transport arrangements in working order it is hoped to commence cutting on November 15th.
Downham Hall Brandon.
The logs cut at Headquarters this month totalled 4,374 pieces measuring 51,122 cubic feet. This makes a total to date for this branch of the Company's operation 6,697 pieces scaling 100,206 cubic feet. Logs skidded this month were 4,912 pieces measuring 56,771 cubic feet. There has been skidded to date 6471 pieces scaling 76,154 cu.ft.
During October a serious outbreak of Influenza was experienced at Downham Hall. One Officer, One Lady Driver and twenty-six men were affected. Dr. Trotter from Brandon visited the Camp daily and the patients were attended by Sgt. Poole. The serious cases were sent to the Military Hospital, Thetford. These numbered sixteen, while there were twelve cases treated in the Camp Hospital. One man, Pte.A. Dimock) died in Thetford Military Hospital. There was, in addition to the Influenza cases, three cases of Scabies, and two V.D.G. cases sent to Hospital. Accidents were few in number. These were of a minor character, chiefly cuts and sprains.
At Downham Hall we now have fifteen pigs bought on 24-10-18 at the cost of 30 shillings each.
At Downham Hall this month seventy Prisoners of War from Warren Wood Camp have been engaged in assisting with the erection of a Prisoners of War Compound for two hundred POW. The huts were erected, and the barbed wire entanglements placed in position under the direction of Officer Commanding (Major Kenny) and with the assistance of a Sergeant and twenty Other Ranks from an Imperial Labor Company. This work was completed by November 1st with the exception bf some engineering supplies. The Prisoners of War are expected to arrive, to occupy the compound, about Nov. 14th.
Good progress has been made in laying part of the light railway to the Mill. Owing to the soft nature of the ground near the river and its liability to floods, cribbing was necessary. This has so far stood the test of the locomotive and loaded trucks very well. Owing to the scattered nature of the timber at this operation, the whole of the hauling of the logs to the Mill will be by light railway. Two traction engines and trailers have been well employed in hauling material for the now Prisoners of War Compound and material for the Camp. Two motor lorries are also constantly employed at Downham Hall while one Lacre truck has been used at the Sandy operation. A Hallford Lorry was used at Ampthill to convey Prisoners of War to and from Woburn Sands and to draw supplies for the detachment. The Horse transport at Headquarters and Sandy Detachment have been in constant employment during the month.
The Y.M.C.A. at Downham Hall is housed in an Armstrong Hut with a dry canteen service, library and writing facilities. These were made good use of by the N.C.O's and Men of the Company stationed at Headquarters. The large marquee has not yet been used owing to the cold weather and difficulties of lighting and heating. Arrangements having been made with the N.A.C.B. to establish a Canteen at Downham Hall. The "Y" activities will be confined to Social and recreative purposes. Sgt. V.G.Jones is in charge of the work at this Camp.
Arrangements have been made for bi-monthly services to be hold at Downham Hall. The District Chaplain conducted one service this month, a Chaplain from the Chaplain Services in London, another. These services are voluntary, Services are held at St. Mary's Church near Downham Hall, which are attended by some of the men, while others attend the various places of worship in Brandon.
The death occurred at the Military Hospital, Thetford, on the 31st October of Pte. Avard Dimock from pneumonia following on influenza. The deceased, who was married four months ago at Ampthill, was buried in Ampthill Churchyard on November 4th. A military funeral attended by Capt F.H. Dory representing the Officer Commanding and Lieut. A. G. Read in charge of the funeral arrangements was held at Ampthill and attended by the widow and relatives and many friends and sympathisers.
Major A.B. Kenny is in Command of the Company with Headquarters at Downham Hall. Capt. P.H. Jory the second in Command is in charge of the Ampthill Detachment. Lieut. A. G. head is Adjutant and Quartermaster. Lieut. J.M Wilkinson is in charge of the Sandy Detachment, while Lieut. A. C Buchan is Mill officer at Downham Hall, and is engaged in putting the finishing touches to the new Mill. Lieut. Girdlestone has been trantferred to 13 5 Company Sandhurst, and Lieut. C. B. Prudhomme from 136 Company has been posted to this Company as Bush Officer.
The average strength of the Company for the month has been five officers and one hundred and fifty three Other Ranks. Attached labor, (Canadians and Imperials) fifteen Other Ranks and One Officer. The horse strength for the month has been sixty-four.
The Canadian Mill at Downham Hall, Brandon, started cutting on the fifteenth of November. During the half month since sawing was commenced, there has been produced at this Mill, 128,980 f.b.m. This is a comparatively small cut. The Policy has been to produce the best best lumber, and to make all the necessary adjustments in the new mill to this end. Some trouble was experienced at the first with the new Dutch ovens. This caused lost time owing to lack of steam, of 16 hours 50 minutes. Friction trouble accounted for 4 hours 10 minutes lost time, bolting difficulties, 1 hour 10 minutes, changing saws 20 minutes, trouble with sawdust conveyor 20 minutes, engine trouble a further 25 mins
There have been no shipments from the Brandon operation to date. A siding, from the GER (London to Norwich) line is in course of construction at the Mill site. This will not be completed until the end of the year.
Logs cut at the Headquarters operation, Downham Hall, this month were 5724 pieces, scaling 69,321 cu.ft. an increase over last month's production of 1,350 pieces and 18,199 cu.feet. This brings the total number of logs cut at this operation up to 14,621 pieces measuring 169,529 cubic feet. There have been hauled during November 2442 pieces, scaling 28,292 cu.feet and skidded during the same period, 4,378 pieces, scaling 54,392 cubic feet.
The logging operations were carried out at Downham Hall by Canadian personnel with a dilution of German (P.O.W.)labor.
The epidemic of influenza which prevailed last month died down at the beginning of November. There were only two fresh cases this month and these were successfully treated at the Military Hospital and discharged within the month. The health of the men otherwise has been good and there has bean no accidents. Minor cuts and ailments were successfully attended to by the C.A.M.C. N.C.O. (Sgt. Poole)
There has been very little sickness among the horses this month. Four cases of colic at Downham Hall were successfully treated by the C.A.V..C. sergeant attached. There wore no cases of Mange at Headquarters.
Fifteen young pigs were purchased on 23.10.18 at thirty shillings each. Those are being fed on the swill from the Messes. One or two of them are not, making as much progress as the remainder, but most of them are thriving excellently.
At Downham Hall, Brandon, one hundred and seventy German Prisoners under the Command of Major Becher, took up quarters in the new Compound erected for them about seven hundred yards to the South of Downham Hall. This is a very complete and comfortable Compound. Water supply is obtained by means of two pumps and piped from the river for ablution purposes and from a well adjacent to the Bridge House, Santon Downham for drinking purposes. These installations were made under the direction of the O.C. 126th Coy. A typical distribution of this labor for work on the operation is shown in the following figures:-Felling and cross-cutting in bush, 37, employed in Mill 46, railroad construction 49, company employ 38, Sick 4, total 167. A
The progress of laying steel through the bush operations at Downham Hall continues and many difficulties have been successfully overcome. The logs are transported to the Mill on log cars constructed by personnel of the Company and hauled by a locomotive. The steel is rapidly approaching the Brandon-Thetford road which it is proposed to cross to the belt of timber lying to the south part of the operation. The roads in the vicinity of Downham Hall have been badly cut up by the heavy transport of the past three months. Now that the Road Board have finished constructing the new road to the P.O.W. Compound their energies have been directed to they repair and upkeep of those roads which are subjected to the heaviest traffic. The traction engines and trailers and motor transport have been in constant employ during the month, and have done good work On three-ton motor lorry was exchanged with the 978 Coy. for a Ford Box body Van which was more suited to the needs of the Company. The Studebaker light car has been running well without any break down. The Hanford Lorry at the Sandy and Ampthill detachments was used for conveying attached labor to and from their work and to draw supplies from Bedford. The Horse transport at Headquarters and the two detachments have been in constant employment during the month past.
The average strength of the Company for the month has been five officers and one hundred and fifty one Other Ranks. The horse strength for the month has been sixty horses.
The production at the Canadian Mill at Downham Hall for the month of December was 277091 fbm chiefly softwood. Lost time at the mill was accounted for by boiler trouble 3.1 hours changing saws 4 hrs. 5 mins, no steam 5 hrs 45 mins. friction trouble 2 hr. 50 mins. belt trouble 2 hr. 45 mins. repair to edger 20 mins. carriage trouble 35 mins. engine trouble 1½ hrs unloading material 30 mins.
The mill was closed down on the evening of December 24th in accordance with instructions from Corps H.Q., for the Christmas holidays. There has been cut at the Downham Hall Mill to date 406,071 f.b.m. while the grand total mill production for the company is to date 6089,284 f.b.m. the result of the Company's operations at Ampthill, Downham Hall, Millbrook, (Scotch Mill) Mauldern (Scotch Mill) and Sandy (Scotch Mill)
Owing to the incomplete siding from the G E.R (London and Norwich Line) at Downham Hall, no shipments were possible from Company Headquarters. Pressure is being brought to bear on the G.E.R to expedite the completion of the work on this siding and the spur into the Mill yard. It is confidently hoped that the work will be completed and shipping possible by the middle of January.
Notwithstanding the short working Month owing to the Christmas holidays the log production this month is higher than for the preceding month, At Downham Hall in December were cut 4893 logs scaling 88011 cu.feet an increase over last month's cutting of 18,690 cu.ft. The total number of logs made at this operation to date is 19314 pieces, scaling 257540 cu.ft. There were hauled during December 23726 pieces scaling 38,321 cu.feet, and skidded during the same period 2539 pcs. measuring 28620 cu.ft. Plans are being made to increase the logging gangs for the month of January and a big effort is to be made to get all the felling at this operation completed by March 1st. No Pitwood is being made at Downham Hall, German P.o.W. labor is being used at Downham Hall to supplement the Canadian personnel.
There were five cases admitted to Hospital during the month. Phone included cases of Itch, Abscess, Bronchial Catarrh, Tonsillitis and V.D.G. (one) . Apart from these there were a few minor cases of men detained in their quarters and attended by C.A.M.C. Sgt. Poole for colds and slight injuries. The general health of the men has boon good.
At Downham Hall there were eighteen cases treated by Veterinary Sgt. Worthington. Six horses had spasmodic colic one horse flatulent colic, three horses were treated for scratches, eight horses suffered from itch. These were successfully attended to and on Dec. 15 the visiting Veterinary Officer reported the general condition of the horses as good. There was a loss of one horse on Dec. 23rd from death by heart failure.
Unfortunately, one pig was lost this month due to choking, leaving fourteen, all of which appear to be doing well. Carcass of pig, being fit for consumption has been sold to the Mess.
At Downham Hall, German P.O.W. varying from 168 at the beginning of December to 172 at the close of the month, have been used in connection with the operations. From December 1st to 24th a daily average of thirty prisoners were employed in and around the mill, When the Mill stopped operations (After Dec. 24th) those prisoners were transferred to the bush, where the majority are now employed in felling and sawing operations, Less robust prisoners are employed on domestic duty and fatigues thereby releasing Canadian for Productive work, The handling of this type of labor so far has been managed without difficulty. The Commandant of the P.O.W. Camp attends the 0.C. 126th Coy. daily parade at 17.00 o'clock when all officers and N.C.O's in charge of details are present to report progress, to state requirements and to receive instructions for the following day's work. This plan keeps the Commandant of the P.O.W. Camp in close tough with the working of the prisoners with the Company.
Sgt. Watson in charge of Y.M.C.A. activities at this Camp reports as follows:- The Y.M.C.A activities for the past month have been most practical, attendance in both recreation room and Canteen being most satisfactory, the men as a rule showing a desire to be homelike and not much given to straying from the fold. Their presence in camp during the evenings has been much felt and appreciated. Every encouragement in generously extended by the Officers which makes the work pleasant. We have had a number of concert parties whose entertainments have been keenly enjoyed and a good attendance given. Dancing parties have been organized and have been very successful. A splendid Christmas fare was provided for all ranks and needless to say ample justice done to, in all a very enjoy-able month has been spent.
Christmas and New Year's treats were provided for the men by generous grants from the Canteen and Farm Accounts. The Mess Halls were suitably decorated for the festivities and a seasonable bill of tare provided. Turkey, christmas pudding apples, (from Canada) nuts, cigarettes etc., all found a place on the boards and the men did full justice to the feast. A Christmas parcel was provided for each N.C.O and Man, and the men in hospital were remembered and provided for. New Year's Eve was celebrated by a dance at Downham Hall, largely attended by the men and their guests. An enjoyable time was spent, and it is hoped to make a weekly dance a feature of the plans for the recreation and amusement of the men during the rest of the time the Company will be in residence at Downham Hall. The facilities provided for recreation and amusement by the Y.M.C.A. and N.A.C.B. Canteens are greatly appreciated by the men especially on the dark wet nights experienced during this work.
The officers at this Company are as follows:
Major A.B.R.Kenny, Commanding, with Headquarters at Downham Hall.
Capt. P. H. Jory, Second in Command in charge of Ampthill and Sandy Detachment.
Lieut. R.G.Read Adjutant & Quartermaster.
Lieut. R.O Buchan, Mill Officer Lieut. C.B.krudhomme, Bush Officer.
During the month Lieut. J A Wilkinson who has been Transport Officer from the commencement of the activities of the Company at Ampthill in August 1917 was transferred to the 109th Company C.v.O. at Kincardine, Scotland. The general conduct of the men remains most satisfactory. Very few Orderly Ro6m cases were dealt with, the majority of these being for absence without leave (Overstaying passes.)
The average strength of the company for the month has been four officers and one hundred other. ranks The horse strength for the month has been fifty-eight.
The mill has not been operating this month. Special efforts having to be made to complete felling by March first, all hands from the mill were turned into the bush to speed up log making. The grand total of mill production for this company at its various operations remains at 6,089,284 f.b.m. This was produced at Ampthill and Downham Mill(Canadian Mills), Millbrook, Maulden, and Sandy(Scotch Mills).
With the completion of the railway siding at Santon Downham with the spur into the mill yard, shipping from the mill yard at Downham hall was possible this month. A total of 44,585 f.b.m. of softwood was consigned during the month. This material included sleepers 5xl0x9 and 2x4 scantling. There has been shipped from this company during its operation at Ampthill, Downham Hall and detachments a grand total of 4,915,376 f.b.m. sawn lumber, while there was handed over to the Board of Trade as stock on hand at Ampthill 7991700 f.b.m. and at Sandy 105,836 .f.b.m.
The policy of the company this month has been to concentrate on bush work, and to this end the mill has not been operating and only urgent shipping orders nave been handled. The Officer Commanding(major A.B.Kenny) has been in personal direction of the activities of tne logging gangs with the assistance of two officers(Lieut.A.C Buchan and Lieut C B Prudhomme) The avail-able Canadian labor together with the German prisoners of war attached labor, have been employed in felling and log-making in the various cutting areas around Downham Hall. Owing to the scattered nature of the timber, the work of organization has been none too easy, but the various problems which have presented themselves have been solved in a satisfactory manner.
The Officers and NCOs in charge of the various gangs meet at the C.O's parade each evening at 1700 o'clock and there receive their instructions for the following day. The quarter-Master at the same parade is notified as to the equipment which will ne required for the days work. in this manner the co-operation of all parties is secured and the program of work as laid down by the Officer commanding is closely followed without delay. The result is seen in the very splendid total of logs cut during the month. Owing to the New Years holiday the work was not in full swing until the second week in January notwithstanding which 38,004 logs were made up to January thirty-first. compared with the previous month, this shows an increased cut of 32040 pieces and an increase over November cutting of 33,690 logs. The bush production for January scales at 400,343 cubic feet. Logs hauled to the mill during the month were 191 scaling 2073 cubic feet and logs skidded 2858 measuring31604 cubic feet. The total number of logs produced at the Downham Hall operation to date is 52,685 pieces scaling 569,872 cubic feet. At the present rate of progress it is hoped to complete felling at this operation by the end of the first week in March. There was no pitwood made at this operation during the month past.
The sick parades have been rather heavy this month owing to the epidemic of colds and a large number of minor accidents such as sprains and bruises. These were successfully treated by the CAMC sergeant.(Sgt. Poole) Only two cases were sent to the hospital during January, one for urticaria and one for excema.
The Veterinary Sergeant reports ten cases of sickness among the horses during the month. Six had colic, one had scratches, one had grease and two had itch. All were successfully treated.
The pigs now number thirteen, a loss being experienced this month. One pig who had never been well was found dead one morning. The carcass was buried. The remainder, thirteen, are all thriving and are fed on swill obtained from the various messes.
At Downham Hall, German Prisoners of war labor to the number of one hundred and seventy are used in connection with the operation. The majority of these are employed in the bush (superintended by Canadians) in felling and log-making. Their work is generally satisfactory.
The social life of the company centers around the YMCA and in order to provide suitable recreation for the men a very complete program of amusements was arranged for the month. During the first part of the month sgt. Watson was in charge of the YMCA He was succeeded by his leaving for return to Canada by Sgt. J.McNeely, Two London concert parties entertained the company at concerts during the month and a very successful evening was provided by local talent. A weekly danece (on Thursdays) is now a feature and the men and their lady friends are entertained at supper on these nights which are becoming increasingly popular. On Thursday Jan.,17, Capt. Reid of the 'Y' staff employed on Transport service on the Atlantic gave an interesting talk to the men on citizenship. Billiards, snooker and cribbage tournaments are very popular and writing and reading facilities are provided for the men. Notwithstanding the fact that the N.A.CB. are also installed at Downham Hall with a wet and a dry canteen the 'Y' canteen is very popular and gross takings for the month amount to £85/6/7.
The officers at this company are now; Major A.b.R.Kenny Commanding, Lieut. A.G.Read, Adjutant and Quartermaster, Lieut. A.C Buchan,Bush Officer, Lieut, C B Prudhomme,Bush Officer.
During the month Capt. P.H.Jory proceeded to Orchard Lee to take over command of 101 company. There were fourteen cases of absent without leave(over staying passes)dealt with at the orderly room during the month. Apart from these cases the discipline of the company has been good